the real raleigh :: hyla dewitt

Name Hyla Wooldridge 
Occupation Jewelry Designer

Who do you live with My husband, Bradley Wooldridge and the fluffy love of my life, Oscar.
What’s your sign Cancer

Describe your style in 3 words retro, sleek, and sassy
Favorite places to score finds for your home My husband and I always make a point to find something unique on our travels. I also love digging for treasures at Scott’s in Atlanta and I’m always mesmerized by the beauties at Circa Antiques in Birmingham.

Favorite piece of clothing right now My mom’s YSL mini velvet skirt. I find the best treasures in my mom’s closet.
Favorite cocktail I’m usually a red wine girl. I’ve been on a brunello kick from our trip to Italy this fall. When it comes to liquor, I love a good pisco sour.

Top 3 things you attribute your success to Support from family and friends, determination to design the perfect jewels and a loyal customer base.
Necessary extravagance/simple indulgence Cleu de peau eye concealer and ChapStick (has to be the blue color)

Favorite song right now My House by Flo Rida, can always get down with a good rap song.
A book you've read more than once The Great Gatsby

3 favorite things about your house The outdoor area. It’s my happy place, especially in the spring when the roses are in full bloom. It’s the perfect setting for hosting dinner parties and cocktail gatherings. My second favorite would be our entry way. I love the grand entrance that the double doors make when entering and the drama of the green high gloss walls. And of course the star of the room, our Sally King Benedict painting. It was the first piece of art we bought as a married couple. My third favorite thing would be the Den. I love how cozy and eclectic it feels.

Where is the last place you traveled Italy. We put our feet up in Sicily for several days, ate and drank our way through the vineyards in Chianti and explored history in Florence. It was a fabulous trip!
What did you bring back leather goods and wine. One of my favorite treasures was a book of handmade paper that I later filled with photos from our trip.

Your favorite 3 things in your house 1. Our turkish rug we bought on our honeymoon in Istanbul. 2. The milo baughman sideboard in my dining room that I stole from my parent’s home. 3. The antique jeweled elephant in my entryway, it was one of many antiques my Grandmother collected.

Fool proof dinner party tip Make sure your guests’ wine glasses are always full. 
What do you collect Lassi cups, whenever I see one I can’t help myself. Scott’s in Atlanta has the best selection. 

What inspires your jewelry creations History and travel. My mother is from Peru, and I have spent a considerable time throughout my life visiting family in Lima and Arequipa. As a result, I have grown to appreciate the Incan culture. I am always getting inspiration from old Incan jewelry, as well as designs from other cultures. When my husband and I got married, we vowed to make time for travel and to see the world. There is no greater inspiration then experiencing different cultures and backgrounds.

What are you most excited about wearing the next few months My new Aymara cuff, it’s such a fun statement cuff that can literally make an outfit.
Favorite place to buy clothes Intermix

Favorite restaurant 167 Raw in Charleston, SC
What smell do you love Moroccan Amber by NEST

Two things you love about your job Designing and creating a story. Fashion is a part of a woman’s identity. It is a story of their feelings, personality and history. I feel so lucky every day that my creations get to be part of that story. 
One piece of advice you’d give an aspiring entrepreneur Embrace rejection and thrive off of it.

What’s always in your refrigerator Almond Milk, eggs and avocados. 
Favorite hotel I would say Chateau de Noizay in the Loire Valley. It was such a neat experience.

How do you unwind Sweat it out, love a good workout. Currently obsessed with HEAT classes in Raleigh.
Favorite place to get coffee in Raleigh Brew Coffee Bar

What’s your newest music discovery Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel
What would people be surprised to learn about you I love to garden and play golf.

photos by anna barzin


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