Images of the truly great and truly magnificent: Ekaterina Maximova.

 Images of the truly great and truly magnificent: Ekaterina Maximova.

A true dance goddess. 

There are very few artist’s that can lay claim to really being highly transformative, or real pioneers and trailblazers. 

Especially when it comes to the amazing world of dance. 

And perhaps these days ‘true greatness’ is banded about, spoken about rather cheaply? But, Yekaterina Sergeyevna Maksimova, was coached by 

true greatness in the formidable shape & form of Galina Ulanova. 

And Maximova was also married to one of the World’s greatest Male ballet dancers - Vladimir Vasiliev. Dancing and performing together with the Bolshoi Ballet. They both belong to the golden era of Dance & Dancers, that all went onto redefine, revolutionise, empower, a whole next generation of dancers. 

Of course.

These are just images, many of which were taken in the late 1960s and 1970s, when both Vasiliev and Ekaterina were both in their peak form. 

Fortunately for all of us, Ex-professional dancers and choreographers, 

there are still numerous video and film footage of them dancing and performing together in some of their greatest roles: 

Spartacus, Giselle, Don Quixote, Cinderella and The Nutcraker. 


As an ex-professional dancer and choreographer, I still have a real love and passion - respect for all aspects of The Arts. 

And for those of you whom have been closely following all of my various, previous posts, will also be aware that my main focus has always been on sharing images of ballet dancers, many of whom are considered to be amongst the very best (if not the greatest) in the world. 

And every now and again, I will also feature the ‘True Greats’.

Please see my previous posts on Margot Fonteyn, Maria Tallchief, 

Natalia Makarova, Baryshnikov, Nureyev, Erick Bruhn, Carlos Acosta...

to name but a few.


I am most definitely not keen on welcoming people whom for whatever reasons, have strong and extremely negative opinions, on any of the dancers that I have chosen to feature, in any of my posts. 

If you do not like a certain image or artist, you really do Not have to tell me or the rest of world about it, ok. 

In fact, you have the right to just skip along, avoid all of my posts. 

Because I am always going to highlight, all creeds and colours, both young and old, all nationalities of dancers whom I actually believe are really good or great dancers. 

A prime example of this is Misty Copeland, Principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre. Whom I have seen several people write and leave some highly offensive, nasty and really spiteful, bordering on racist comments about. Some people have chosen to harshly criticise everything from her physique to her dancing. Obviously I am not comparing Misty to Maximova, or Fonteyn to Plisetskaya, or Baryshnikov to Fred Astaire. 

As they are (or were) all great dancers in their time and era. 

This is the 21st Century, and dance and dancers have all moved on, ok.

Again, if you strongly do not agree with me. Or simply do Not like any of 

my posts, then, just avoid all of them, ok. 

This is because I am, all about encouraging positivity. 

Especially right now, when this global pandemic has (near enough) completely decimated all aspects of The Arts, globally speaking. 

Thank you to all of you whom have continued to leave some very lovely, nice and wonderful comments. And apologies for the long breaks in between my previous posts. As it usually takes me several days worth of research, before I feel ready to post something new. My aim is to always present the very best for the best! 

Also. I make no apologies for wanting to share my thoughts and observations here, or for the length of my posts. 

As dance, the learning of, has always been a oral tradition of one dancer to the next, passing on repertory, creative and most innovative ideas, movement, performance skills, musicality, and true artistry. 

For these are just some of the elements that have contributed to dance (no matter what style or genre) surviving.


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